Dedicatedly Simple

Barcook Bakery

Born out of three founders’ love for simple good bread, Barcook started in 2008 as a small bakery shop offering fresh handcrafted bread baked on the spot. Their well-loved famous raisin cream cheese bun is testament to the brand’s commitment to simple, good taste. As part of their growth plans, the founders embarked on a brand transformation with Ukulele. 
Discovering the founders’ dedication to simplicity, quality and freshness, we realised they have a brand innately rooted in devotion. We positioned Barcook as passionate artisans who believe that love is the principle, their single devotion that goes behind every knead.  “Dedicatedly Simple” was instituted as their brand promise, beautifully reflecting the amount of heart that goes behind every humble dough.
A strong and distinctive brand identity makeover gained overwhelming  love and traction with consumers, and immediately rose above competition when first launched in November 2014. Today, the brand spans more than 10 outlets across Singapore and Malaysia, and its unique bespoke brand character of emerald green remains an industry game changer, unchallenged and ahead of its time.